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Service Through Design

Imagine an aesthetically innovative, environmentally sustainable, and economically beneficial design solution to the world's housing crisis. Now imagine that this solution aims to support the most vulnerable communities with shelter, infrastructure, and jobs. We are WEHAV.

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A Continent in Crisis

Climate change-induced natural disasters are increasingly forcing Africans to relocate for clean water, work, and shelter. The continent is facing a surge in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events including droughts, floods, cyclones, and pandemics. These all magnify instability and strife, resulting in even more displacement than before. 


The World Bank notes that climate change will force 85M sub-saharan Africans to migrate in search of better conditions by 2050. There are many barriers for those seeking to relocate, chief among which is cost. WEHAV will eliminate such barriers by offering an innovative housing solution.


The goal of WEHAV is to create a safe-haven for climate migrants seeking shelter and basic needs in Africa. We are employing a 3-pronged approach, the first of which is through innovation & design. We’re creating a unique, prefab design & construction process that’ll generate very low-cost, sustainable, and easily assembled homes that can be put together in one day by just two lay people. 


By eliminating the need for professional builders, we are fast-tracking the building process and creating jobs for unskilled laborers in the region.

Ways To Support...

Please visit our support page for a list of ways you can contribute to our cause and help our target communities

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